Today I have tried to set up GameOver.iso, one of many interesting live linux environement that is meant to be training tool for learning about web application security. I must admit that I like it, altrough I had a little problems and confusion in start. Actually it is linux live CD that set up web server with vulnerable web applications that you can try to hack. As I had used some of the linux distributions that are ment to be training environement like OWASP live CD, I expected also some graphical environement. Tried startx command from console, but nothing happened. Then I learned that it just starts server, and you had to access vulnerable websites from other machine via browser. Other problem I had is that I put live CD on machine on VirtualBox, but I left predefined NAT network adapter settings. You have to change it to bridge mode to be able to access virtual machine from phisical by IP address. After this I was up and running with almost all training environement that exists. Let me elaborate with quotation what contains Game Over live CD:
Voyage Linu: GameOver has Voyage Linux as its base OS. Voyage is a minimilistic Linux distribution which is in turn based on Debian. For more information regarding Voyage Linux we encourage you to check out their website:
Section 1 consists of special web applications that are designed especially to teach the basics of Web Security.
Web Applications (section 1):
1. Damn Vulneable Web Application: (
2. OWASP WebGoat:(
3. Ghost (
4. Mutillidae (
5. Zap-Wave: (
Section 1 consists of special web applications that are designed especially to teach the basics of Web Security.
Web Applications (section 2):
1. Owasp Hacademic Challenges : (
2. Owasp Vicnum: (
3. WackoPicko: (
4. Owasp Insecure Web App: (
5. BodgeIT: (
6. PuzzleMall: (
7. WAVSEP: (
Have fun!