Inspiratron was started in june 2012. as project of Nikola Milošević (myself). Web site was started as part of master thesys in School of Electrical Engineering, Universitiy of Belgrade, which topic was to create sentiment analysis tool for Serbian language. While building tool new idea emarged: to build a personal web site dedicated to my interests and work in field of natural language processing, machine learning and computer security.
Name of web site, inspiratron, has to personify computer world (TRON) filled with inspiration (inspiration+tron=inspiratron).
Vision of this project is to build and make accessible some tools of natural language processing and machine learning by creating small web applications. Since development of machine learning algorithms is slow process, this site is still not complete and it's materials will grow in time.
If you need more information about myself you can take a look to my cirucullum vitae